Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 54 – 2/8/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 8 Year-of-the-Monkey-2016

fortune has arrived, higher and higher year after year

welcome lunar year of the red fire monkey arriving with the new moon in aquarius on a day vibrating at a frequency of one, the number of new beginnings in a universal year with a frequency of nine and the ninth animal of the zodiac finishing the race…

every new moon gives us an opportunity to set intentions, to be clear about choosing the life we lead… just as aquarius pushes us in new directions, red fire monkey is adventuresome, playful, unpredictable, irrepressible, adaptable and loves exploring and branching out with joy and ease…

i’m choosing the life unknown, following red fire monkey as we quantum leap from tree to tree trusting in safe landings, sacred space to dance in stillness while breathing in nourishing our togetherness and breathing out love for all our relations…

i’m choosing to be life wholeheartedly, to believe something wonderful is being born in this new moment under this new moon in this quantum leap new year of radical transformation and instant moonifestation…

may this new year bring boundless opportunities to wildly explore every joy in life…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 53 – 2/7/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 7 moon new aquarius

Happy New Moon, Happy New Story

i’ve been drawing down the energy of the dark new moon pictured above all day and reflecting on this powerful portal while listening intently to her hum as a bird listens to the wind whispering directions… do you hear the call of the wild asking us to step up, to awaken more fully, to live the love we are as our prime responsibility? and, to follow that through with total trust in “all is well” empowering us to surrender to love with every breath…

i love seeing how the ranks of farmers of the heart are growing exponentially and the fields filled with love seeds are cross-pollinating in geometric progressions and more and more are feeling the love spreading like wildfire and joining in the dancing revolution, the returning home to love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 52 – 2/6/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 6 Thay New Year coupletsomething wonderful is happening as we tread a watery path under the dark of the moon towards the lunar new year of the red fire monkey breathing in and out these new practice phrases from Thich Nhat Hanh’s beloved plum village… as we breathe in together, contemplate “Nourishing our Togetherness”, and “Protecting our Planet” as we breathe out… breathe in, breathe out, again and again these words as seed energy, intention, living aspiration we wish to nurture this year…

parallel verses or poetic couplets are an ancient tradition of the East and one that Thich Nhat Hanh continues into the present by offering a couplet on the eve of the lunar new year to inspire and nurture mindfulness practice for the year…  such a lovely way to welcome the new year and the new moon by seeding something wonderfull, onederfull…

what arises in you as you breathe into feeling something wonderful? as you breathe in nourishing our togetherness and breathe out protecting our planet, again and again… happy breathing!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 51 – 2/5/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 5 Angel of Light

Remember the clear light,
The pure clear white light
From which everything in the universe comes,
To which everything in the universe returns;
The original nature of your own mind.
The natural state of the universe unmanifest.
Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it.
It is your own true nature, it is home.
– The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
thank you angel of light for being with me in this week of feeling a storm rushing in uprooting centuries of debris, thank you for pouring healing waters constantly and cleansing, clean-sing so all may see the light of our true nature,who we are essentially…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 50 – 2/4/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 4 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1 Come Back

today is one more day of hearing the call and following the call to come back home to spirit, to dissolve into spirit, to be so at one with spirit that all borders vanish between me and thee… i come in gratitude and offer up our pains and suffering to be used as compost to nourish the earth… i come as love, the animating energy of all that is and knock on the door of feeling like death asking this door to open to love, simply open… in this trusting, this surrendering, this turning i am transported to the stillpoint where the dance begins, yes, i’m coming back…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 49 – 2/3/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 3  Lao Tzu

this week is so challenging to be free flowing patience, a week of such muddy waters taking the form of congestion, a head cold making it hard to breathe, a wu wei week of being so still deep in the void… yes, it is uncomfortable and yes, it is a stretch in such moments to be present in the moment in love and gratitude trusting the water will clear, the congestion will break open… trusting the water is clear, trusting the congestion is broken open… for now, all i can do is surrender, soften into the embrace of mystery and wait patiently re-membering everything is grace, especially this moment, this breakthrough moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 48 – 2/2/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 2 imbolc green pentacles snowdrop

On Imbolc (In the Belly) also known as St Brigid’s Day, Groundhog Day and Candlemas, we celebrate midwinter in the northern hemisphere, this day is midway between winter soulstice and spring equinox, a day when the goddess returns as goddess of the hearth with sacred flame here to warm our one heart again…

on this gray day of midwinter

the cold has begun to fade

and the days grow longer

a time when earth is quickening

birthing the fire after darkness

now, goddess of the hearth returns with eternal flame

and as earth grows full of life, blessings resound…

may we all celebrate the abundance of new life

and the cascading prosperity of cosmic flow

as light and love  illuminate our path of heart

and return us to our home…


synchronistically, this day, 2-2-2016 vibrates at 13 symbolized in the wheel of life as death, death of the old and birth of the new, death as transformation, as turning with the cycle onto another level, a consciousness driven by divine will of lovingkindness and compassion, a consciousness of the heart…  welcome home!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 47 – 2/1/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 1 Tahoma Equinox 2014 009+

welcome freely flowing february and the new beginning you bring… a moment, a day, a moon, a year to begin anew and call in the spirits asking to be presented with doors that open us to our new path of discovery unfolding along the road less traveled… a road inviting our wholehearted presence, our wholebeing essence, our complete trust, our suspending doubt in places unknown and uncertain circumstances, our letting go of any and every thing no longer working to open the space for spirit to freely flow…

we honor our new beginning with our soul’s intention for change… in my new life, i commit my energy to… peace, love and joy trusting in beloved to carry me across the wild deep blue sea to a shore i cannot see, trusting beloved to carry me into the true refuge of great mystery…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 46 – 1/31/2016

Named Journeying January 31 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim Jeweled Profile.

holy synchronicity! this last day of journeying january begins like the first day of this transitional month with a nod and wink from the spirits that be… the spirits that be the space between us in that instant after breathing in and before we breathe out, that stillness, that true emptiness, that great silence between… in and out, up and down, dark and light, before and after… the moment of pure consciousness of infinite love wanting all our relations to be deep in the center of the everything/no thing, the tao that cannot be spoken, real-eye-sing there is no self, only one vast isness of interdependence always turning in the rhythm of impermanence, transforming moment by moment like our sister moon…

yes, today begins with syncing under the waning moon, the moment to reflect as we pause on the brink of a new breath, a new day, a new month, a new year, a new world… yes, the moment of in between, the moment of choosing… to be or not to be… to be free to dance wholeheartedly, to love unconditionally, to speak truth courageously, to walk each other home gracefully…

thousandfold thanks, beloveds… namaste’… mahalo and aloha…