Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 35 – 1/20/2016

Named Journeying January 20 Rumi Tired

one of those days on the pilgrimage of being tired, exhausted, drained, down; one of those days walking the path of service during this Re-TREAT of Silence dreaming moon when it feels it’s too hard to go on, one of those moments of then crystal clear real-eye-sing that now is the moment to breathe in and breathe out, to reach in and reach out, to be still and to dance just one more step, yes, precisely the moment to open and to tune into cosmic hum, to open and feel the inner whirling vortex of light energy, the luminescent central sun, to open and taste the bittersweet nectar of beauty, to open and drink this divine love potion made from the fruit of joy, to open and to surrender everything in service of the whole…

yes, in this moment of weariness, marooned on unknown earth, enter the guesthouse of stillness and bathe in the slow, silent rhythms of nothing to do, simply rest and receive beloved in open spaciousness, true refuge of our one heart.. thank you for walking home with me inspiring deeper exploring into great mystery…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 34 – 1/19/2016

Named Journeying January 19 Whale Song Watching

when the rains come and mystery flows, slow down and be still in this beautiful moment of letting go and surrendering all to divine flow… now,breathing in and breathing out, frequent beloved’s resonant vibration, mystery singing life into creation, sound waves moving into song, the song of beloved, our one cosmic story of eternal love, profound peace and blessed harmony… leap now, like dolphins, taking refuge in graceland where perfect love resides… when we meet in this home sweet home deep in the sea of love energy, here, beloved sings songs of mystery while her sound waves  of peaceful presence wordlessly weave wounding into re-joy-sing songs and suffering into dancing stars…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 33 – 1/18/2016

Named Journeying January 18 Buddha Love Surrender

in the wake of loss, we are given the opportunity to make a quantum leap into that often mentioned field that’s out beyond default positions, the field of grace, sacred space of flowing harmony, living essentially where we really see, we real eyes…

we have no dominion over wild darkness/light

ours is simply to be still, hollow reeds for flow’s swirling currents

witnessing as bittersweet freedom opens into true liberation of emptiness

ever expanding spaciousness sans rules and dogma, fixed ideas and beliefs

there is only the sea of love breathing in the rhythm of waves, cosmic mirror of all

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 32 – 1/17/2016

Named Journeying January 17 NA Sadness

2016 is being proclaimed as a year of putting compassion into action; let us begin by being lovingkindness in this moment and singing out to all our relations a song of strength, a song of courage, a song of spirit, a song of wisdom to hold us in the hard times inspiring our taking one more step when we feel we can’t go on and to open our one heart ever wider to each other for we all suffer losses each and every day with dreams changing form and flying away… everything is fleeting, only love is real, so, may we walk in beauty around the prayer wheel… may we be true refuge for all our relations sheltering each other through storms and desolations, returning home with each breath to create anew, a more beautiful cosmos, holy ground for me and you… may we comfort each other rekindling inner flame and dance joyously together round the circle once again…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 31 – 1/16/2016

Named Journeying January 16 Blue Star Dream Cave+

today’s pilgrimage is a walk in the park as i’m walking with beloved, our one cosmic heart, and all beloveds are sharing this walk along the path of great silence we are listening and trusting what we hear here and so our one heart is opening clear and trusting what we hear here and so we are surrendering because we are trusting in what we are hearing as we listen to great silence’s whispers of grace emanating from the emptiness space out beyond in the cosmic field of grace… yes, come one, come all, to dance with great mystery in the sea of love energy’s stillpoint of infinity…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 30 – 1/15/2016

Named Journeying January 15 MLK-Beloved Community

on this ides of January, the moon of dreaming, let us celebrate the birth of one of our foremost modern day prophets who dreamed of his little children living in a world where they were judged by their character rather than their color, a dream still being dreamed today along with his call of sixty years ago to face the challenge of the new age with the creation of beloved community for only love transforms the fear of the old paradigm into the gladness of a new paradigm by opening our hearts to the miracle frequency of boundless love…

Happy Birthday, Martin… May we all dream the dream of beloved community forward realeyesing it more and more deeply with every breath breathing in beloved community of our one cosmic heart…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 29 – 1/14/2016

Named Journeying January 14 Rumi Flight

today’s pilgrimage is dedicated to my crown jules, my beautiful daughter, juliette, a surefooted capricorn child of the earth and to all children of the earth, natural teachers of lovingkindness and compassion… on the occasion of your birth, seeing such an amazing turn around the sun for you, for us all…

yes! this is the year to take flight

to be dreamweavers of translucent, rainbow light

our cosmic heart soaring to an unimaginable height

yes! this is the year to take flight


what a joy to travel the way of the heart…invisible, infolding pathway of presence, trust, surrender, devotion hypnotically calling us home to true refuge… this moment, this beautiful moment of boundless love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 28 – 1/13/2016

Named Journeying January 13 True Refuge ReBirth 9-13-15 010

the thirteenth day of Journeying January, the moon known to many as the month for dreaming…  honoring my intention and commitment to be in wholehearted communion with the cosmos and to wander in wonder in every moment, i’m on Re-TREAT in the dream lodge, the cave of the womb of inner knowing where i’m taking true refuge in the moment where we have everything simply by being in the moment… where everything shapeshifts, as do we, into no thing… no attachments, no possessions, no fixed identity… shapeshifting into flow, currents of water, waves of light… dormancy deepens trust in invisible flowering already organically unfolding in rhythm with beloved…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 27 – 1/12/2016

Named Journeying January 12 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1Wanderer of Wonder

today’s frequency calls us to walk the path of silence in the dream cave as holy fool, wanderer of wonder, trusting in one’s elf to leap off of ledges into waiting wings of angels, to dream of a cosmos where we real eyes we are one family and our challenge in every moment is to respond with lovingkindness and compassion from our shared deep well of radical generosity…

with every breath, may we hear the bell calling us home to be beloved community breathing in this moment, this beautiful moment of divine communion with and through our one cosmic heart inspiring our voices to join as one chorus singing, winging… peace…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 26 – 1/11/2016

Named Journeying January 11 Dreaming

listening deeply, contemplating snow, ice crystals of clarity, stars not so long ago… i long to know you, to watch you unfold for you are a mirror reflecting our one soul… as synchronicity would have it, snow speaks to me through another pilgrim traversing the path of silence, a poet on an eternal journey into stillness, essence, love, flow… hear now great mother’s wisdom whispered from a snowflake to the earth below…


i’m into Inner


so snow speaks

unique, every flake

an individual

no two alike in all the ones

that fall

imagine such creative joy

that can repeat, repeat

and never duplicate—

wonder of divine intention

always to be new

and here i am

a formed uniqueness

from the Mind of God—

myself, no other

with the same configuration

in the human drift

and when i melt

and change my state

i wonder how my sense of self

will know

my droplet in the flow

I Am

the Mystery of Being

ever changing

ever blending

never ending

~ Elizabeth Hurst Downs ~