Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 362 – 12/13/2015

Named Divine December 13 Namaste Native

four days before fourth anniversary

a day of dancing sacred simplicity

breathe in and breathe out


breathing in and breathing out this 13th day of Divine December which vibrates at the frequency of the master number 33 makes it even more perfect for bowing to you, to all our relations as we walk each other home…

breathing in and breathing out in this sacred space of stillness, feel the presence of essence permeating, here, we hear the sweet sound of love sung through us with every breath, deepening us into the sea of love energy where we are simply flow…

breathing in and breathing out, it is on this holy ground, in this centering field where i meet you and greet you, beloveds, embracing you, reverencing you, opening our one heart together, knowing, in all the trillions of wild cells in our one lightbody, all the trillions of gossamer threads of our one web, we are here to be for giving and to be for giving creators, we simply keep opening our one heart in ever widening circles…

thousandfold thanks for walking home with me, opening our one heart of great mystery, to live simply and simply be… dancing rainbow infinity…
