today, i inspire (breathe in) and am inspired with every breath the peace that is always present… i wanted to go on a special outer pilgrimage today; equally, i wanted to stay still on a inner pilgrimage to soothe a RA flaring… The call of spending time with one of my favorite peer groups, 3rd graders, whispered more magnetically…. all was going well with a happy homecoming and then i exited the principal’s office and fell flat on my face laid low by an obstacle on the path that i didn’t see… the first voice and face i saw and heard belonged to a sweet asian child who wanted to know if i was all right and if i needed help to aright myself which prompted my automatic chant of thank you with every breath to a different twist to match the physical body response to twisting thank you to thanks be to breathing in be and breathing out thanks… breathing be thanks, be thanks, be thanks be, thanks be, thanks be… breathing in, smile be thanks; breathing out, smile thanks be…
may we all arrive in peace…. may we all be home in peace…. bowing to the peace of our one heart… namaste…