Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 318 – 10/30/2015

Named Organic October 30stonehenge on samheim

the pacific northwest provides the perfect backdrop today for the eve of all hallow’s eve or samhain when we welcome the oncoming darkness and accompanying reflection cycle while honoring the spirits now present during the thinning of veils between upper and lower worlds… perfect backdrop here with howling winds and waters of life pouring from the heavens softening the earth to receive divination and other worldly communications… a season of letting all fall away, coming home to essence, to the breath…

when we surrender to this natural movement of our soul, we can and must bring forth pieces of the personal and collective shadow that need to come into the light for healing,evolving, becoming… let the hallows dance of life begin!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 317 – 10/29/2015

Named Organic October 29 ReBirth 9-13-15 010it’s one of those days on the pilgrimage of being at a crossroads, right in the center of intersection, the moment to rest, to be still and bathe in healing waters resounding the ancient words of the ho’oponopono purification chant:

i’m so sorry

please forgive me

thank you

i love you

tomorrow, i’ll be back on the road less traveled again journeying at the speed of light, refreshed and recharged by these moments in the stillpoint, re-membering how much stillness is demanded in these interesting times of cosmic awakening, how much grounding is required in the field of our one heart as we get oriented to being out beyond the known and comfortable.

may we all return home to beloved with every breath

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 316 – 10/28/2015

Named Organic October 28 Silence Contemplation

in this moment, this beautiful moment, breathe in deeply earth mother’s love

stand silently in the sacred heart center, breathe out expansively to the skies above

listen intently as the wind whispers soulfully, singing us home to the river below

in this moment, this beautiful moment, open with abandon to the inner glow

always present lighting the way, always present every moment of the day

amazing grace, great mystery, we breathe you in gratefully

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 315 – 10/27/2015

Named Organic October 27 Rumi Dark Forest

on this full moon, we walk out to the field to garden and as we harvest we see so clearly what has been growing in us over the past few moons… some fruits we savor, some we compost… in this field of silence under the supermoon, we hear whispers of this season to go to ground, to root in the earth, our belonging place, to germinate and contemplate what wants to emerge as we walk deeper and deeper into the earth of being and becoming and through the rains with shimmering light filtering through revealing a golden treasure along the rainbow trail… our transforming Self in glowing detail…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 314 – 10/26/2015

Named Organic October 26 Moon Full Rainbow

during the full moon, our personal and collective shadows are illuminated by solar consciousness, this full moon’s sun is in watery scorpio and we are called to engage the waters of life, emotions, energy in motion and to feel all our emotions, embrace their emerging into the light… yes, every full moon we have the opportunity to engage the shadow, to bring it to light and in making the shero journey, we find the gift in the rains of our suppressed feelings – the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, more of our true self …

Named Serene September 3 Spiral

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 313 – 10/25/2015

Named Organic October 25 Heart Open Swans Reflection

True solitude is found in the wild places… One’s inner voices become audible… In consequence, one responds more clearly to other lives.

– Wendell Berry –

today, i rest in the wild space between us… breathing in true solitude, soul contemplation, i re-member and ground into the vibrant green field of oneness where we dwell… breathing out, i dance under the moon now waxing full and share the harvest fruits… blessing this space between us on our pilgrimage of the heart…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 312 – 10/24/2015

Named Organic October 24 One Love

today, we gathered, sixty thousand strong, to celebrate our global oneness, our one love, our one heart in a beautiful field on the sacred ground of our earth mother and as she lovingly held us, the wind whispered through carrying our prayers and songs of praise across the cosmos deep into the center of Great Mystery… and, we definitely feel all right… yes, we have arrived and are home in our belonging place, this moment, this beautiful moment of oneness…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 311 – 10/23/2015

Tomorrow (Saturday 10/24/15) we celebrate Global Oneness Day… Yes, I know, in truth, everyday is global oneness day, cosmic oneness day, every moment is cosmic oneness moment, for all that is, is One… Truly, no separation, only togetherness, nothing disowned, all belongs…

Forty-four years ago following an amazing awakening experience, i saw and knew in every cell that all that is, is One. Seven months ago while on pilgrimage in the mists of Avalon, again, i had the visceral knowing of being one body, of being in lak’ech…

you are my other i.

when i do harm to you,

i do harm to myself.

when i love and respect you,

i love and respect myself.

may we all be in lak’ech with every breath…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 310 – 10/22/2015

Named Organic October 22 Lovingkindness

how i love playing in the field of lovingkindness where we come home with every breath re-membering we are love, where we throw kindness around like confetti and the people receiving our kindness, including ourselves, need it more than we can even imagine,especially, the unkind for in our being lovingkindness, we seed the cosmos as divine matrix, field of miracles…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 309 – 10/21/2015

Named Organic October 21 Loved Are U

what the world needs now is love, sweet love… thanks for joining me in playing that childhood game of gossip with a twist… everyone we come in contact with, we say, “you are loved, pass it on…”  if that feels too much to say it aloud, say it to yourself… the important thing is to put it into the field of love we all share… i’ll begin right now… you are soooo loved, now, pass it on and on and on and on…