Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 277 – 9/19/2015

Named Serene September 19 PEACE Created Worldevery moment is pregnant with the promise of peace… with every breath, i practice peace, i am peace, may we all be peace with every breath… for all the moments of today and the next two days, globally, we will be intending deep peace culminating on Monday with the International Day of Peace… may we join with all that is in a heartfelt effort to be peace for our cosmos.


We call all noble-hearted people to find within the light of love and divinity that dwells in them from immemorial times, since their souls have existed.
May this light … expand on the earth showering her face with peace and harmony.
May this light … calm and harmonize the black shadow of war, violence, hate and disharmony .
May this light … fill the hearts of all people and the sites of nations where the shadow of violence has found a place to stay.

May this light reach the hearts and minds of ALL the Heads of State,
of ALL leaders of the revolution from  right to left from north to south.

We extend our profound gratitude to all the Mamos (Shamans) of the world, all men, women and children from  different cultures, races and creeds, from all cardinal directions who have joined us and those who will join us in this effort to raise a prayer for peace and nonviolence .

We wash away the cries of the distressed, the blood of the victims of violence, the pain of their families.

May they be replaced by the innocent laughter of children, the ideals of youth and the wisdom of life of our elders.
May we no longer know the signs of strife: to hear birds singing sorrows, nor watch clouds stained with blood, nor feel breezes intense with heat, nor see rivers swollen by the mountains’ tears .
May new fraternal bonds of unity and peace formed through our invocation together  embrace humanity in harmony with itself and with nature.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 276 – 9/18/2015

Named Serene September 18 Confluence Cape Disappointment 9-18-15 020today, i journey with the Confluence Project to the confluence of the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean at Cape Disappointment which was the end of the trail for Lewis and Clark and the beginning of the Confluence Trail stretching 438 miles along the big river, the Columbia… arriving at this sacred site, home to the Chinook for thousand of years, we walked an oyster shell trail inscribed with the words of a Chinook praise song invoking all the elements to show us the way a trail ending at the cedar circle, the tree of knowledge…

we follow a parallel trail leading to the ocean marking the Lewis and Clark expedition and feel the joy they felt when first seeing the Pacific and like the Chinook…

we call upon the great waters asking them to

teach us, and show us the way


may we all be connected to all our relations with every step we step and every breath we breathe


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 274 – 9/16/2015

Named Serene September 16 Angel of Lightyesterday’s waking dream of an immense tidal wave is today’s waking reality… facing the wave awake just as i did in the dream, i feel suspended from time/space into the unknown… being still in a state of equanimity, i witness the quest… to be or not to be… to be and not to be… the pull not to be wholeheartedly tugs… can i rise? can i relax the reins of the known? can i venture deeper on the road untraveled into the realm of the unknown? can i move with the shifting tides while staying at home in the heart?

i must be still and listen and be still and listen some more until the moment arrives for communion with grandmother who’s also had a day of feeling stupefied, tossed between the waves… together, we feel into the questions and sit silently in the stillpoint listening for the whispers of how to be… loosen the leather reins, trust in the invisible golden threads weaving a web of luminescence, true refuge for all… soften into love… soften into love… soften into love… ah, look around, i have arrived on the shore of a new world… welcome home to divine consciousness…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 273 – 9/15/2015

Huge Tidal wave crashing onto the beach with man

how appropriate on the ides of september to have a lucid dream of an immense tidal wave towering over me, an experience familiar to me save in this moment there is no desperation or panic… butterflies, yes, and a deep relaxed reflective posture… to merge with the sea, to leap in wholeheartedly or to panic and tense?

the pull of the heart of the ocean of love is so much more powerful so it’s quite natural to make this organic shift into heart consciousness, divine flow dancing in rhythm with the energies of life…

come on in, the water’s fine…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 272 – 9/14/2015

Named Serene September 14 ReBirth 9-13-15 010

sometimes it’s hard to make the leap into the unknown… that’s when i love flying to grandmother ocean and listening to her lullabies blessing adventuring into new spaces, wide open places of true refuge, coming home to our one heart

Grandmother Ocean Blessingway

May you find in me the Grandmother of the Cosmos.  
May my heart be a grandmother’s heart, my waves like a mother’s arms.  
May my response to your suffering be a mother’s response to your suffering.  
May I sit with you in the dark, like a grandmother sits in the dark.  
May you know through our relationship that there is something that can be trusted.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 271 – 9/13/2015

Named Serene September 13 ReBirth 9-13-15 021

new moon soular eclipse, new story, new consciousness, new year, new day, new moment… happy rebirthday!

hearing the call to cross the portal, we join in a holy pilgrimage, a magical mystery tour into the heart of stillness in the pacific sea… sacredly and silently, we wend our way through the mountains pulled along by the songs of the sea…

arriving in the land of echo-la, mists rise into the skies revealing talisman of magic, raven, here to lead the way into divine consciousness, here we are always living grace… always being grace… always living… always being… always…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 270 – 9/12/2015

Named Serene September 12 Moon New in Virgosuch a powerful portal this Virgo New Moon Eclipse with Divine Feminine Spirit lighting the darkness of this germination season and calling us to shift from the old of doing it alone and to move courageously with the new energies of compassion, co-creation and unity… on this magical mystery tour, feel the blessings of this moon of feminine spirit showering us with gifts of wisdom and love… embrace this moment, this beautiful moment of being virgin, belonging to self, being one with divine self by going within, facing the illusory wounds of separation and holding them in the light transmuting our holes into wholeness, divine consciousness… coming home to the heart, conspiring loving kindness, living in grace…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 269 – 9/11/2015

Named Serene September 11 Afraid - Born with Courage to Do This

fear knocks on my door today, i welcome this guest and begin to pray

please grant me the courage, the heart to be hospitable

come, holy spirit., come, help me to stay

in  a space of feeling vulnerable

thousandfold thanks for answering my plea

with golden divine light embracing and cradling me

empowering the gift of seeing light in life’s darkest moments

coming home to graceland, courageous new world bathed in iridescence


a day of re-membering, moment after moment of connecting the dots… walking through the woods alone as a child and reciting the 23rd Psalm to encourage taking one more step and one more step… being inspired as a child by the shepherdess, Joan of Arc, a maiden of valor who surrendered her all to the call to be true… today i follow her lead whilst listening deeply to ancestors’ whispers… empty, surrender, purify, re-member, imagine, trust…  a day of dancing divinely on the rainbow trail…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 268 – 9/10/2015

Named Serene September 10 Rumi Flowing Water Whale Watchinglast night as i dropped into dreamtime, i dissolved and became moss green water flowing like velvet into the great beyond… today i awaken awash in the divine light intent on seeding this beautiful moon energy throughout the cosmos… may we, in every moment, especially the difficult ones, feel the sustenance, protection, comfort and boundless love of the divine light that surrounds us always…


Beannacht (Blessing)

On the day when
the weight deadens
on your shoulders
and you stumble,
may the clay dance
to balance you.
And when your eyes
freeze behind
the grey window
and the ghost of loss
gets in to you,
may a flock of colours,
indigo, red, green,
and azure blue
come to awaken in you
a meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
in the currach of thought
and a stain of ocean
blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters
a path of yellow moonlight
to bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.


John O’Donohue