Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 256 – 8/29/2015

Named Amazing August 29 Moon Full pisces-full-moon

i trust you’ve had a day of luxuriating in the full energies of the piscean supermoon, a day of harvesting all the seeds planted, the ideas dreamed… take this moment to breathe in the rising energies of this full sturgeon moon… in the pacific northwest, the winds have been blowing in whispering that the spirits are coming back on the wings of this rising moon of spirit…

are you feeling the moon awakening you to a world of imagination and possibilities where you see through her eyes, the inner visioning one? this moon is the first of three consecutive supermoons which empower dramatic shifts in consciousness, are you feeling the excitement, the butterflies of being on the brink of a new world? Simply breathe in the energy and breathe out yes, breathe out infinite love and gratitude…

may we all dance freely under this illuminated shaft of light and answer the call to live our truth…