Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 257 – 8/30/2015

Named Amazing August 30 Confluence Celilo Falls 8-30-15for the last fortnight, the veil between the worlds is so thin, slipping in and out is as easy as breathing in and breathing out… i was not sure until we were on the road whether today’s journey would materialize… a journey through the mists, piercing the curtains to arrive in the land of the ancestors in the time before the falls disappeared under the river…

a day of shifting sands, wind rushing in, spirits whispering softly to enter in… we say yes to the full moon’s call to leap boldly into the great beyond and swim in the waters holding ancient memory and re-member what it is to truly be like the salmon of old – happy, huge and free…

traversing the narrows of the birth canal to be reborn in the ocean of radiance, is dancing in beauty on the rainbow trail, a shero journey an epic tale…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 256 – 8/29/2015

Named Amazing August 29 Moon Full pisces-full-moon

i trust you’ve had a day of luxuriating in the full energies of the piscean supermoon, a day of harvesting all the seeds planted, the ideas dreamed… take this moment to breathe in the rising energies of this full sturgeon moon… in the pacific northwest, the winds have been blowing in whispering that the spirits are coming back on the wings of this rising moon of spirit…

are you feeling the moon awakening you to a world of imagination and possibilities where you see through her eyes, the inner visioning one? this moon is the first of three consecutive supermoons which empower dramatic shifts in consciousness, are you feeling the excitement, the butterflies of being on the brink of a new world? Simply breathe in the energy and breathe out yes, breathe out infinite love and gratitude…

may we all dance freely under this illuminated shaft of light and answer the call to live our truth…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 255 – 8/28/2015

Named Amazing August 28 Rumi Beautifulyes, Yes, YES! You Are So Beautiful!! Take this moment, this beautiful moment to breathe in your beauty and breathe it out with an exuberant YES!

today, i celebrate two years of living Hell YES! when something arises and i’m resonating wholeheartedly, hearing/feeling/sensing in every wild cell Hell YES!, i go for it full steam ahead… this practice grew organically from a practice begun almost four years ago of saying thank you to everything that arises.. of course there are many things that confound my mind as to why be thankful for that which is the beauty of the practice and is like contemplating a koan… it is a tried and true path for opening the heart this saying thank you, this saying yes, Yes, YES! Hell YES!

breathing in, feel something positive… breathing out, say yes… breathing in energy, breathing out yes… breathing in peace… breathing out yes…

may we all feel our one heart, all that is, whispering yes, Yes, YES with every breath…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 254 – 8/27/2015

Named Amazing August 27 Water Blessingi awaken today with ho’oponopono singing me and re-member in dreamtime our gathering together to bless water (we are the eternal radiance) which, of course, is 70% of our body, of our planet, of all that is… water reciprocates in the next breath by blessing us and generously bestowing pure water spirits throughout the web of life… water is a mirror for us as well as perfectly mirroring us… water responds in perfect harmony to the messages we send; the more beautiful our transmission, the more beautifully water creates all that is..

may we all bless and sing purification, ho’oponopono, to water and hear water echo it back to us all the way through to the deepest reaches of our ocean being…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 253 – 8/26/2015

Named Amazing August 26 Whale Watching Echo-La

i am so grateful for this day of sweet surrender,

this day of being one with the tides of life…

seeing from vast ocean’s vantage point

the intricate web grandmother delicately weaves

connecting dots that on first glance appear unrelated

until one looks homeward with angelic eyes of the heart

discerning now the divine design patiently waiting in the wings for the blind to see…

thousandfold thanks for this moment, this beautiful moment, this luminescent moment


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 252 – 8/25/2015

Named Amazing August 25 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1 Rainmaker

Dear Beloveds,

Thank you for joining me in this moment in rain prayers for all the places on earth where wildfires are raging… living in area clouded by smoke, every breath is a noxious reminder…

Please see rains putting out the fires and all our relations celebrating safe passage while invoking this meditation prepared by Children of the Sun Foundation…

INVOCATION FOR DIVINE INTERVENTIONIn the name of the Great Presence of All Life, we call forth and invoke Divine Intervention from the realms of light to assist in stabilizing the massive outbreak of fires raging across Western USA and all surrounding areas.

By and through universal law, we call into immediate dynamic action…

* The Spirit of the Earth
* The powers of nature and the forces of the elements
* The legions of angels assisting the Earth’s evolution
* And the planetary Grid of Unity Consciousness

Please come and amplify our efforts one thousand fold in accordance with the highest benefit of all. THY WILL BE DONE!

Beloved Creator, send the transforming universal light into ALL of these wild fires to neutralize and calm the destructive effects. May these fires be immediately contained with an impenetrable bubble of pure spiritual energy. THY WILL BE DONE!

Assisting angels and elemental family, let the rains pour over the earth in all of the affected regions! Drench, soak and saturate the land with the flow of rain until all fires are safely out! Bring forth cooler weather that supports balance in the realms of nature. THY WILL BE DONE!

Please protect all of the brave men and women fighting these fires with an invincible shield of Cosmic Power. Bless them with unlimited energy and every possible means of support. Expand this field of protection to all people, wildlife and nature in the affected areas. THY WILL BE DONE!

Assisting angels and elemental family, please clear the air of all toxic smoke and chemicals caused by the fires. Guard the health and safety of all residents along with their homes that may stand in the fires path. Stand vigil at their sides until all fires have ceased. THY WILL BE DONE!

Great Presence, may this intervention and its containing matrix be made imperishable, eternally sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding until the Divine Plan is fulfilled for Western USA and its surrounding areas.

We seal this activity in Cosmic Peace.


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 251 – 8/24/2015

Named Amazing August 24 PEACE Pilgimtoday is a day of folding a thousand cranes for healing peace for all that is, moment after moment of floating in restful peace and re-membering, honoring and celebrating the inspiration, the mother of this journey, someone being this peace pilgrimage every moment.

peace pilgrim, in her late forties, committed to walking the planet being peace and in so doing, she planted and spread peace across the world demonstrating that a life lived trusting in a world of lovingkindness reaps an abundant harvest… never once did she lack for a ride or a meal or a place to sleep finding beauty always surrounding her every step, every breath…

thank you for joining in the peace pilgrimage and making herstory history…

Peace Pilgrim

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 250 – 8/23/2015

Named Amazing August 23 Nags Head 2014 2 019beloveds, i come to you with an open heart overflowing gratitude for your generous and gracious outpouring of lovingkindness… yesterday, the pain from surgery was so intense… today, i feel like tinkerbell, brought back to life by your radiance… now, if everyone could hold this laptop in the light…

thank you… thank you… thank you… i bow to you in deepest gratitude…