Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 176 – 6/10/2015

Named Jubilant June 10 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1 Beautythank you, beloved, for bringing so much beauty, so much love… in this moment, this beautiful moment, i am luxuriating in an ocean of love as you send angels to sing to me on this liminal day… this day of floating between waking and dreaming consciousness seamlessly… this day of floating fluidly, of re-membering…

walking into sacred ceremony at the exact moment of beginning the closing of an initiation where hearts had opened so very deeply and miracles manifested… a closing that opened to include my daughter in the honoring of the mother and her mother…

thank you, beloved for bringing so much beauty, so much love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 175 – 6/9/2015

Named Jubilant June 9 Heart Pilgrimage with Stone People of Heart+the initiation ceremony is soon to begin… the consensus is that a few sutures to the eyelid from an urgent care will fix me right up, so, knight in shining arrmor, jeff, and i go off on the long and winding road healing mission… urgent care sends us to the emergency room of a local hospital who realizes the injury is far more serious than just a totally lacerated eyelid… as all helicopters were in use, i got ambulanced to Washington’s #1 trauma center, Harborview in Seattle where the only 2 surgeons that could perform this surgery are…

so far every person we encounter is such a beautiful being of light and they are all amazed at my great spirits… i’m stretchered into their ER, thought i’d seen busy ones before but Harborview takes the cake… again, everyone is so upbeat and so concerned…. even when the doctor said this surgery was about saving my eye and i might not regain vision, it was still a beautiful party and, no, i wasn’t on any drug but love, the most intoxicating drug of all…

eight hours later, i’m still on a stretcher in the hall waiting for an OR or hospital room to open when an angel of mercy appears saying that, finally, an OR is available… one minute i’m breathing deep breaths and then what seems like the next moment, although it’s 3 hours later, the surgeon is telling me all is well… and there’s even a room for me after the recovery room… Hallelujah!

soon, my daughter is calling from Portland to say she is getting in her car to bring me home in a very no arguing with me tone… yes, i was still having visions of my car getting fixed that day in time for me to drive it home as a one-eyed bandit or patch over the eye pirate… and, yes, i’m a dreamer, thank goodness i’m in such amazing company…. always being and becoming boundless love!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 174 – 6/8/2015

Named Jubilant June 8 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1i awaken hearing Beloved singing me, calling me to return home to her… i arise to open the sacred space to beauty, love and peace as Osun’s adept prepares the space in a sacred way…

everything is humming beautifully and i greet other pilgrims who arrive for this initiation…

i am called to go downstairs where meeting and greeting the dogs turns into quite an initiation i hadn’t seen coming as one of the dogs swats her arm at me… i’m sure she was trying to open my 3rd eye but clawed my 1st eye lacerating the lid and rupturing the eyeball…

i knew the wound was severe… i couldn’t see, blood was gushing and the pain shocking… my overriding concern was to comfort the children who witnessed this happening…

It was decided that i needed to be in the healing space of the sacred circle and be attended by the lightworkers present before journeying on on one of the wildest ODDysseys ever…

From the moment it happened, i intensified my continuous loop of thank yous always breathing me transforming theODDyssey into a pilgrimage of grace…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 173 – 6/7/2015

Named Jubilant June 7 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1uncharacteristically, i felt some apprehension about setting off on this journey of initiation…. i checked in with beloved and all systems were go and humming along nicely for the first 2/3 of the journey… suddenly, something seemed kerflooey with my chariot… alas, baby blue’s drain plug fell out and she anointed I-5 N with oil and then died…

so many angels spontaneously appeared including a Triple A tow truck after we baked in the sun for 2 and 1/2 hours… what a sight to be towed into the sacred ceremony, talk about going from the ridiculous to the sublime…

and, how sublime and cosmically prescient the ceremony of celebration when the tribal elder called us into voicing what we were letting go of and into contemplating if we were ready to take on another’s pain, even to the point of taking on the suffering of one who has harmed us grievously…

my answer was simply YES!  Beloved listened and sang me to sleep…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 172 – 6/6/2015

Named Jubilant June 6 Wedding Trip Pilgrimage 047 Oceanside Cape Mearespreparing for an initiation journey, i enter the open portal diving deeply into the ocean of being, home to beloved, to listen to her hum, the song she sings today through us… be still, be present, breathe in essence,  breathe in trust, surrender to love, rest in divine’s flow… return again and again and again home to our one heart and in this wellspring hear the cosmic melody…. all is well and all shall be well…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 170 – 6/4/2015

Named Jubilant June 4 WATER We Are The Eternal Radiance

for the past moon, it has been our pod’s honor to witness the transfiguration of our sister from being on fire with pain to being aflame in grace, awash in radiant love, vanishing into the mystery of the great beyond…

we gather at our holy ground to celebrate your sweet surrender, your softening into the lap of beloved, knowing you are always with us as floating cloud and sparkling star, as rippling brook and beautiful rose…

thousandfold thanks, Marianne, for always being love, for always becoming love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 169 – 6/3/2015

Named Jubilant June 3 Water Blessing Chief Timothy Confluence Pilgrimagesince returning from the pilgrimage across the pond with holy ancient mother waters, it is my privilege to share her blessings with every body of water, i encounter… today, i re-member last week at this time going into the belly of the earth and sharing avalon’s waters in the gorge… today, this third day of jubilant june, following a biopsy, i celebrate with the waters and listen to whispers from the watery womb… to live wholeheartedly as if this moment is the last in this incarnation… to love with wild abandon… to laugh from a deep well of joy… to see the beauty in every direction… to feel the deep peace of the running waves… to tune into cosmic harmony’s hum and sing the ecstasy of this moment, this wild and precious moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 168 – 6/2/2015

Named Jubilant June 2 Blessing Dayblessing this day of the full moon in Sagittarius with moon siSTARS in a field of love drinking in her streaming abundance, singing out hymns of praise and thanksgiving  dancing deeper and deeper into great mystery, coming home into our one heart       being the new story of seeing goodness everywhere, creating a world of love                                            we honor you, our siSTAR, the moon