Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 185 – 6/19/2015

Named Jubilant June 19  Gene Key Dragonfly Encouraging Geniustoday is the day i begin my pilgrimage along the Salish Sea to Cortes Island for the 7 Seals Initiation, only I’m quarantined in Portalandia because of the rupturing of my green eye, the loving eye… so, this pilgrimage of opening portals will be an inner one deep in our one heart, in the stillpoint, perfectly poised to listen to beloved and surrender my heart to our heart.

like dragonfly, i begin this voyage by purifying in healing waters followed with communion with beloveds and off to the temple of healing to hear that my eye is healing better than expected by the high priest… how could it not be so with a whole communion of beautiful beings calling this in…

home to our one heart to enter dreamtime and weave webs of jeweled light as we rise up from the water becoming winged radiant light, flying rainbows painting the skies in wondrous tones of peace and harmony…

and so, the journey begins…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 184 – 6/18/2015

Named Jubilant June 18 Rumi Tripah yes, this theme has been playing through me prominently the last two weeks… today begins in divine communion on the peace train where we are entraining our destination, Open Heart Univercity… I get so excited that i get off at a station where i wasn’t planning on getting off and spend many hours trying to find my way back home… at every deadend, i re-member that it is the impeded stream that sings and that when we don’t know where we’re going, the real journey begins…

once again, Beloved whispers to be still and listen…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 183 – 6/17/2015

Named Jubilant June 17 Gratitude 4 Sharing Journeytoday, i awaken feeling sad that i am unable to make the voyage i have dreamed of for such a long time; so, i amplify the continuous litany of thank yous to Beloved that play through me continuously…

thank you Beloved and Beloveds for hearing my silent plea and responding so generously… thousandfold thanks, thank you, thank you, thank you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 182 – 6/16/2015

Named Jubilant June 16 Oregon Coast Pilgrimage July 2014 003 Wildpeace

in this moment, this beautiful moment,

greet yourself with elation

as you arrive at the threshhold, the doorway home.

smile and breathe in the stranger , you…

embraceyourself, reverence yourself, open your heart to you.

sit, feast, luxuriate, dance your radiance

diving ever deeper into the ocean of love…


joyous day of listening to beloved with every breath and re-membering home is where the heart is and living there in openess is everything…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 180 – 6/14/2015

Named Jubilant June 14 Heart Pilgrimage starchild Homecomingi love sundays as a day of rest… my body knows it’s sunday like a horse instinctively knows the way home… it’s been such a wild and wooly week with my car rupturing, and then my eye rupturing followed by emergency surgery to save the eye, a pilgrimage home, daily visits to the hospital, being tended by so many angels holding me in the light and now a day of being sleeping beauty, of being still in the darkness, of contemplating mystery…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 179 – 6/13/2015

Named Jubilant June 13 Water Waves of Lovei love Saurdays… i awaken and arise to wade deeply in the water… i have always loved grandmother ocean and no matter what is going on, i’m at peace when with her…

today is an ecstatic re-membering and re-telling of this pivotal week when nothing went the way i had imagined…. a week of meeting each wave of grandmother trusting in her divine orchestration… what an enormous gift to sing with the pod in perfect harmony in the deep blue sea of love energy…

diving ever deeper into the SHERO Journey…


Heart breathing

Embracing all that is

Reverencing everything

Opening the heart ever wider

always being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 178 – 6/12/2015

Named Jubilant June 12 Magic Carpet Ridea long day filled with angelic healing beings capped off with a magical tram flight across portalandia’s skyline as the sun is going down…. another day of seeing inner light through my blind eye and amazed at the collaboration of the trillions of cells to heal the one body… blessed harmony… amazing grace… enjoying even this wild and bumpy ride…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 177 – 6/11/2015

Named Jubilant June 11 Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Rumi Inner Journeyi awaken today feeling an inner sadness that a long held dream, a dream of 9 months, a dream of 22 years, is going to be stillborn… and so on the daily pilgrimage to the eye surgeon, i am already knowing that he will say this outer journey is out of the question, the next 2 weeks are critical for saving my eye, i must be still…

i was born still, in moments of crisis, it is my coping strategy par excellance, i live in stillness, yes, even this i am thankful for trusting in Beloved’s divine orchestration, grandmother spider woman’s wonder filled weaving of the web of life…

i do so love exploring inner space and so, yes, again i surrender to love, to being love, to beloved…