uncharacteristically, i felt some apprehension about setting off on this journey of initiation…. i checked in with beloved and all systems were go and humming along nicely for the first 2/3 of the journey… suddenly, something seemed kerflooey with my chariot… alas, baby blue’s drain plug fell out and she anointed I-5 N with oil and then died…
so many angels spontaneously appeared including a Triple A tow truck after we baked in the sun for 2 and 1/2 hours… what a sight to be towed into the sacred ceremony, talk about going from the ridiculous to the sublime…
and, how sublime and cosmically prescient the ceremony of celebration when the tribal elder called us into voicing what we were letting go of and into contemplating if we were ready to take on another’s pain, even to the point of taking on the suffering of one who has harmed us grievously…
my answer was simply YES! Beloved listened and sang me to sleep…