Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 108 – 4/3/2015

Named Awesome April 3 Heart Pilgrimage Chalice Wellfollowing the long day’s journey into the mysts of avalon and being purified in the healing waters of the heart chakra, i dream on this good friday of being put in a deep chamber and i wonder what this is about trusting the knowing will come, our one heart is opening to the flow as the well sings the words…

arise to meditate and commune with eternal family before embarking on our first shared walking in beauty to the ancient abbey of glastonbury where we dance around the high altar drinking in beloved, re-membering her well…

in the evening as we gather around the well, her guardian, Joseph, tells us about the five deep chambers at the bottom of the well… aha! smile! (start my internal love engine)… mystery unfolding as the well sings…