Monthly Archives: March 2015
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 85 – 3/11/2015
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 84 – 3/10/2015
journeying to a place of power
where once the mighty Columbia thundered
for ten thousand years in this sacred gathering space
blessing all tribes with life abundant
sustaining a path of harmony
in the blink of an eye, the waters were stilled
when a dam was built fifty – eight years ago today
we come together to write the new story,
a tale of redemption, healing and hope
may we re-member our grandmother’s roar
at the confluence of the river’s shore
flowing together evermore
traveling like salmon today, wending through the river into the confluence of past, present and future… hearing about the original people inhabiting this earth for thousands of years, learning of the lost sounds of the falling waters still echoing today in the hearts of the w’yam who are on a mission to restore beauty, blessing the seven generations…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 83 – 3/9/2015
Let’s get the Miracle Games going! Are you in? All you have to do/be is your beautiful self… SMILE at everyone you see, pass out hugs generously, shine your light for all to see, laugh and laugh uproariously, breathe in gratitude, breathe out love, howl at the moon, act like a loon, chase a balloon, roll down a sand dune, whistle a tune, purr like a cat, give your shoulder a pat…
You’ve got the idea, just say YES, now we’ll put ourselves to the test, how much kindness can we spread today? thousand fold blessings on the way… be sure to join in and comment away with all the kindnesses you plant today… share with everyone that you know and watch in amazement as millions of lights glow…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 82 – 3/8/2015
Happy International Women’s Day!
It has long been said that when 1000 women gather, heart consciousness, the divine human will be birthed. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says that it will be women who transform the world. How auspicious that March 8, 2015 begins a new cycle of soul transformation, a moment of uniting heaven and earth and manifesting greater love on earth…
The major energetic shifts over the next many moons revolve around:
- stepping into a new capacity to keep pace with sudden and complete change
- opening to our spirit dropping deeply into our physical bodies and our mundane reality
- discovering our higher purpose hidden within the seed of our personal ambition
- consciously moving into relationships that are based on love, caring and affection rather than being compelled to play out our old relationship stories
- a rising aspiration to move up the ladder of the spiritual hierarchy
- learning obedience to higher laws
- finding the support and connections we need to step out of survival based relationships like jobs and old world marriages
- staying within ourselves and allowing the universe to co-create with us, rather than going outside ourselves and pushing to make things happen
How Holy Synchronicity does it get that the theme for this IWD is Make Things Happen!
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 81 – 3/7/2015
Pilgrimage of the Marrying Maiden
two years ago, a friend and i experienced a most magical celebratory journey on March 7 and it was capped off with this double rainbow which portended overflowing abundance for us all and my daughter in particular… now, two years later, we travel again to rainbowville, this time to initiate my daughter as marrying maiden…
under this arc of color flanked at both ends by gold, mothers come to welcome the maiden into another cycle, into a larger circle, a circle uniting heaven and earth, a deepening and widening, a dying and rebirth, separating and joining…
descending into shadows, the mothers shine light on the crooks and crannies encouraging the daughters to trust in the heart to guide the way along this new path of beginning, being the transformation of surrendering to higher purpose, divine marriage…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 80 – 3/6/2015
Knowing that not one of us is free until all of us are free, the world celebrates the 50 Year Anniversary of the historic freedom march, Selma to Montgomery, which directly led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the United States. The Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage bows deeply to and is greatly inspired by the countless peace pilgrims who courageously bear witness, who walk the talk of being love, peace, justice and harmony no matter the personal cost.
I love Aloha spirit being infused into the ethers of this pilgrimage. The journey of the iconic flower garlands began a year earlier when Dr King had lectured at the University of Hawaii and met the Reverend Abraham Akaka. To show support for civil rights, the Reverend Akaka sent the spirit of compassion and love embedded in the lei to the marchers in Alabama instilling an image of a bridge of unity across the planet.
Tomorrow, Hawaiian-born, President Barack Obama will march wearing a lei from his native state and carry all who love freedom on this sacred journey of peace.
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 79 – 3/5/2015
this moment is a miracle… this day is a miracle…. this moon a miracle… this month is a miracle… so, today, may we honor and celebrate every breath trusting our buddha nature…
In Tibet, this day is named Monlam, the Day of Miracles. Established by Lama Tsongkhapa in 1409 at the lunar new year to commemorates the Buddha’s display of spiritual power and create the space for virtuous activity, it is a very powerful time to practice, increase one’s commitment to virtuous activity and give with generosity.
may we all dance in the rhythm of this miraculous moment hand in hand with the ancestors and the generations on the way…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 78 – 3/4/2015
March Fourth Pilgrimage Re-Dedication
It seems so perfectly fitting on this day of marching forth on March 4th, this day of confusion and chaos, to journey to the garden of zen and breathe in this mountain, surrendering all distractions and clearing the path to come home to our one heart, our true refuge in the midst of madness… Thousand fold thanks for this path of devotion, thousand fold thanks for the courage and encouragement to be wholeheartedly here, thousand fold thanks for lighting the way…thousand fold thanks for your overflowing grace today…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 77 – 3/3/2015
I have come to this world to be this…
I have come to this world to see this…
I have come to this world to become this…
I have come to this world to hear this…
I have come to this world to see this…
All my relations living as one
I have come to this world to hear this…
All my relations breathing as one
All my relations living as one
dancing our prayer as we turn around the sun
All my relations breathing as one
flowing in beauty to the cosmic moon hum
I have come to this world to be this…
dancing our prayer as we turn around the sun
flowing in beauty to the cosmic moon hum
I have come to this world to see this…