Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 43 – 1/28/2015

Named January Jewels 28 Silence Whale Watching 2014 017 Echo-La++

drinking great truth from the river of silence,

rising up like a wave coming home to shore…

true wisdom is born from the heart’s contemplation

communing in the stillpoint beyond all words…


2 thoughts on “Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 43 – 1/28/2015

  1. Thank you Jo Beal. As I read your posts, they draw out poetry from my own heart !

    The ocean of my heart responds in recognition,
    each wave of breath or heartbeat, reverberating.
    “Heart’s contemplation
    communing in the still point, beyond all words”.

    To rest in the heart, my direction;
    to relax into who I truly am, my intention.

    • Thalia,

      my heart smiles with yours as we walk the pilgrim path, poets on an ever deepening spirit journey… boundless love!

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