Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 8 – 12/24/2014

Named Divine 24 Dolphin Christmas

a pilgrimage humming in the rhythm of 7 – connection, celebration, abundance, harvest, festivity, community, contemplation… dolphin dancing and leaping like a wave flowing in the ocean… pulled by love out of my cove into the wider ocean of wonder, beauty, grace… i love this journey unfolding in such a mysterious, serendipitous, synchronistic way… i love sharing the journey with you… i love walking home together… mahalo!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 6 – 12/22/2014

Named Divine 22 Kaua'i 11-29-14 Beach 013

being cosmic water

reflecting in the womb

awakening heart consciousness


breathing in the rhythm of the waves, i listen to mother water knowing her songs will conduct me home just as her song lines carried our ancestors across vast distances… as long as we hear her singing, we are never lost no matter how far we wander… on this path of purification, we are always traveling home through sacred waters, through the ocean of being… do you hear her singing?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 5 – 12/21/2014

Named Divine 21 Soulstice Invocationtoday, i stand still with the sun as we birth and nurture light and reflect on and resound a song echoing inside from childhood on, This Little Light of Mine… And, yes, as the words direct, i’m gonna let it shine, shine on the old story burning it away leaving us free to draw down the power of the Capricorn new moon to be the new cosmic story…

PEACE on Earth and Goodwill to All Our Relations