Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 306 – October 18, 2014

Named Open Heart 18 Gratitude - EmotoIn honor of Dr Emoto, i re-member beginning this phase of the pilgrimage almost 3 years ago by occupying the abundance of infinite love and gratitude where now i dwell… So, i’m contemplating on this day of peace how pure the water that fills  the body so that we are shining crystals of light in the garden of eden… Thank you, rest in peace…

Haiku Prescott FT 10-17-14 019

One thought on “Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 306 – October 18, 2014

  1. I so love this thought, this grounding…. That all life begins with water, that water has consciousness and actually is the conduit between the Universal Consciousness and our own. And most importantly that with our thoughts we can change the structure of the Living Water and thus change all of life.

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