Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 288 – September 30, 2014

Named Blessingway 30 Rainbow Beauty Peeps

for this last day of soulful september’s blessingway walking the rainbow trail on the poetic peace pilgrimage, a perfect message appears…

Iraq War veteran Jacob George recently died by suicide. His poem was recently read posthumously at the White House and at the Climate Convergence in New York City at the UFPJ workshop.

Support the Troops

by Jacob George

 “we just Need to support the troops”

is what they tell me

 well, this is from a troop

so listen carefully

 what we Need are teachers who understand the history of this country

what we Need is a decent living wage, so people ain’t cold and hungry

what we Need is bicycle infrastructure spanning this beauteous nation

what we Need are more trees and less play stations

what we Need is a justice system that seeks the truth

what we Need are more books and less boots

what we Need is love

for every woman and man

from southern Louisiana

to the mountains of Afghanistan

Now, it’s true

The troops need support

the support to come home

they need treatment and jobs

and love for the soul


war ain’t no good

for the human condition

I lost a piece of who I was

on every single mission

and I’m tellin’ you,

don’t thank me for what I’ve done

give me a big hug

and let me know

we’re not gonna let this happen again

because we support the troops

and we’re gonna bring these wars to an end


May Great Spirit’s rainbow blessing flow in beauty through all my relations…

Jo Sun

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 287 – September 29, 2014

Named Blessingway 29 Dolphin Clouds

as i reflect on this past  month where the earth of being has been so moving and opening, i re-member a moon of showing up daily for blessingways trusting in inner guidance and surrendering more and more deeply to Beloved… a moon of wild outer and inner pilgrimages to places i’ve never been before always accompanied by supportive guides… a moon of flowing in beauty being the soul of the space wherever i am… a moon of dancing in the rhythm of the waves… infinite love and gratitude to all my relations for sharing this most incredible journey…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 286 – September 28, 2014

Named Blessingway 28 Heart Juled

the heart sutra

liberates all suffering

magical mantra


another beautiful day on the rainbow trail applying sutures (sutra) following open heart “surgery”… a day made all the sweeter welcoming the jewels of my heart returning from a mountain lakes pilgrimage… a day of devotion coming home to our one heartt… always being one in the light opening in ever widening circles…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 284 – September 26, 2014

Named Blessingway 26 Rainbow Niagara Falls State Park, New York - Sept 20, 2014

so many rainbow moments on the pilgrimage…. yesterday, honoring earth’s song with a journey to sacred space and today being earthsong inspired by a most beautiful documentary, Song of the Earth, all about healing and making peace which inspires my re-membering a co-heart poetic peace pilgrim, Sue and her amazing grandmother Iva who profoundly touches Sue’s life. Both grandmother and granddaughter are natural healers with the ability to see rainbows and be a beauty blessingway for all… love the perfection of this double rainbow which is like a family portrait of Iva and Sue… thank you, thank you, thank you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 283 – September 25, 2014

Named Blessingway 25 Celebration Sungazing at Wyeth CO Installation 015

so many moments of celebration on the rainbow trail…

dolphin dancing with cosmic pod opens portal to our one heart

tuning into cosmic hum trusting in and surrendering to divine flow

journeying to a field of peace carved by pilgrims of old who heard earth song’s call

meeting pilgrims of now in whom the song’s call resounds to immerse in beautyway

thanking all relations for walking in the sacred way…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 282 – September 24, 2014

Named Blessingway 24 Hallelujah Rainbow Good Life


Everyone should be born into this world happy
and loving everything.
But in truth it rarely works that way.
For myself, I have spent my life clamoring toward it.
Halleluiah, anyway I’m not where I started!

And have you too been trudging like that, sometimes
almost forgetting how wondrous the world is
and how miraculously kind some people can be?
And have you too decided that probably nothing important
is ever easy?
Not, say, for the first sixty years.

Halleluiah, I’m sixty now, and even a little more,
and some days I feel I have wings.

~ Mary Oliver ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 279 – September 21, 2014

Named Blessingway 21 Tahoma Equinox 2014 016 Sungazing

the 45th moment of sun gazing on the 279th day of the poetic peace pilgrimage in the 9th moon on my mother’s 90th birthday… the energy of 9 is reverberating and echoing and cascading through mighty Tahoma today… harvesting, completion, letting go… a moment of saluting endings/beginnings, evolving into light, expanding into love… embodying 9″s energy as Hermit, Hermes with the lamp radiating wisdom for all to share, living unconditional love and riding a cascading wave of abundance flowing in the blessingway of infinite love and gratitude… may we all rest peacefully in the lap of the divine mother warmed with the embrace of central sun…