Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 216 – July 20, 2014

Named Mikagura Oregon Japanese Garden Tanabata Festival July 2014 018

Last night, on the eve of beginning a week long celebration of the Turn Around the Sun Re-Creation ManiFestival, Portalandia and i  enjoy a once in a lifetime opportunity to witness the ancient Shinto ritual of Mikagura Sacred Dance. Involving an imaginative journey across time and space, we are transported to the pond in the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura, Japan where the spirit of kami is enshrined. For some 2000 years, this sacred dance has been performed to please the kami, last night was the first performance in the continental United States.

Beginning with the lighting of the bonfire, we are purified with a branch of Sakaki or evergreen followed with chanting by the priests to invite the kami and more chanting offering hospitality to the kami and ending with chanting to send the kami back to their origin.

Mikagura transports us into a space in harmony with the heavenly bodies, truly, a dancing with the stars….

May we all revere the spirit in nature and live in peace…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 215 – July 19, 2014

Named Radical Joy 19 Japanese Garden Tanabata Festival July 2014 030

In honor of a beautiful pilgrimage for all, sacred words from the Dine’

In beauty may I walk
All day long may I walk
Through the returning seasons may
I walk
Beautifully will I possess again
Beautifully birds,
Beautifully joyful birds
On the trail marked with pollen
may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet
may I walk
With dew about my feet may I
With beauty may I walk
With beauty before me may I walk
With beauty behind me may I walk
With beauty above me may I walk
With beauty all around me may I
In old age, wandering on a trail of
beauty, lively, may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of
beauty, living again, may I walk
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 214 – July 18, 2014

Named Radical Joy 18 Japanese Garden Tanabata Festival July 2014 011

After an early morning pilgrimage into the city to give of my blood and sweat – forgive me, in the South women don’t sweat or even perspire, we glow – sans tears, so wonderful to journey home to treat and re-treat myself into the Blissness Blue Moon Lodge and conjure my favorite zen garden where i breathe in and luxuriate in this reflecting pool one with all that is…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 211 – July 15, 2014

Named Radical Joy 15 Whalewatching 2014 030 Mazanita Sunset

traveling with an invisible passport stamped indelibly with the places to go,

we enter the interior spaciousness of the divine akashic ocean

dancing the meandering path of sublime belovement

aligning with our one heart resonating in all


we enter the interior spaciousness of the divine akashic ocean

involuting like a quantum leaping dolphin

aligning with our one heart resonating in all

evoluting like turtle with slow, deliberate steps


involuting like a quantum leaping dolphin

 breathing in rhythm with the waves

evoluting like turtle with slow, deliberate steps

such a practice of devotion opens the flow of grace


traveling with an invisible passport stamped indelibly with the places to go

dancing the meandering path of sublime belovement

breathing in rhythm with the waves

such a practice of devotion opens the flow of grace


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 208 – July 12, 2014

Named Dream Cave Awakening++

This moment and every moment i’m accompanied on the journey with a child named Bliss. Without her this moment and every moment, i would not find the courage to take another step. I owe her my all, in return i devote each breath to her as we rock gently in the waves of creation. May we all care for the children of the earth and be the compassion they deserve…