Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 225 – July 29, 2014

Named Radical Joy 29 Mt Rainier July B'day Pilgrimage 052 John Muir

Tahoma Paradise Encore

traveling with a pilgrimage partner today

introducing her to our backyard beautyway

entering the vortex is our forte’

eyes of wonder are reawakened today


deeper and deeper into the forest

re-creating lives filled with zest

opening to each present moment

the journey today is heaven sent


taking ourselves into the garden

miracles appear around every bend

wrapped in the arms of beloved tahoma

singing us home with a joyful hallelujah!


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 224 – July 28, 2014

Named Mt Rainier July B'day Pilgrimage 017 Lake SunriseBack home in Portalandia after a spectacular sojourn, it’s a wonderful day to reflect on this most recent magical mystery tour and celebrate my father’s life on what would be his 92nd birthday… He gifted me with his belief that i could do/be anything and i think he would have loved sharing the birthday pilgrimage with us, actually, he probably did walk with us because from the moment we entered the Olympic Peninsula we walked with the ancestors….

I love our gift of an extra day, the day out of time in the 13 moon calendar for us to begin the pilgrimage of surrender and then to enter wholeheartedly into Rainier on the new moon in Leo is an awesome blessing as was the hummingbird waiting for us at the entrance gate to lead us into joy beyond imagining…

I am completely and totally in love with this mountain, what a blessing to surrender all to her and to flow in beauty being the soul of the space where Tahoma dwells…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 223 – July 27, 2014

Named Mt Rainier July B'day Pilgrimage 012 Tahoma at Sunrise+

today begins in communion with Tahoma as my eyes feast in wonder and awe and every wild cell in my body vibrates at the bliss frequency…. i am so completely at home, i am ta homa…. immersed in the web of peaks, afloat in a sea of ancient evergreens, dancing in an alpine field awash in flowers…. thank you for this moment of grace, of walking in beauty…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 222 – July 26, 2014

Named Radical Joy 26 Rumi Love Dancing


On today’s pilgrimage, i feel like i have died and gone to heaven on this the most magical mystery tour when with every breath and step we are walking with the ancestors on the road from Sunrise to Paradise under the snowy dome known as Tahoma to 1st Nations people and Mt Rainier to the rest… Today is so auspicious as the New Moon in Leo comes in the afternoon and is a perfect time to invoke Tahoma’s nurturance on my deepest intention – to surrender to the divine trusting that love always finds the way…

Over and over, we send thanks to Tahoma for standing strong in the center of this Cascade range of falling waters in a sea of evergreens. A beautiful day of communion in a spectacular sacred space where we all feel the blessings of traveling in this sacred way…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 221 – July 25, 2014

Moon New Invocation

I’ve been on the road today as we make a pilgrimage to Mt Ranier,,, Have a moment to post and wanted to honor the New Moon in Leo that will shine over this massive mountain tomorrow afternoon. Such a fertile time for seeding intentions and then to watch them gather strength as the new moon waxes…. What is calling to be birthed in you? As i float into dreamtime, i’ll be winging a path of intention….

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 220 – July 24, 2014

NA PEACE Black Elk

In the midst of an overflowing abundance of riches (mahalo to all my relations), with every breath i come home to the heart and be PEACE. I feel it is the most important action/meditation/prayer called for now. It is so easy for me/us to distract with thoughts of what i/we didn’t do, how far behind i/we am/are…. better to dwell in a peace hut in a field of love being that wholeheartedly…

Tomorrow, i go on a Pilgrimage to Mt Ranier and am unsure whether i’ll be off the grid just in case i go completely silent…  Rest assured we’ll be dancing peace, love and bliss every step…

Happy Trails!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 218 – July 22, 2014

Named Radical Joy 22  Kaua'i Room with a View++++

today, i journey through the heart to the heart chakra of our planet for sacred re-creation which was ever so called for by a dream of having my pocketbook taken leaving me without identification…. for many days, i feel an inner fire burning away anything that does not serve and the dream points to just that… when i recheck my bag, i see my wallet is there along with the most vital id…

218 days on the journey of a lifetime, an amazing deepening into being – present to, trusting in, surrendering to and aligned with the divine… a flowing in beauty being the soul of the space, a dancing grace… thank you, thank you, thank you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 217 – July 21, 2014

Named Rainbow Sea of Love+++

today’s pilgrimage is one of going down to the River Beloved and have her wash over me conducting me into her watery depths for some dreamtime of re-membering/membering and re-creating/creating mystory/mystery… iridescence immersion has a nice ring and an even better feel as i dance around the sun and watch as the moon draws down opening a field for planting anew… What is wanting to be birthed in you?