Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 84 – March 10, 2014

Such a day of serendipity, surprising delights making my heart sing and then i get an urge to commune with the sun and when i look out my window, my heart smiles at what appears…Named Rainbow 3-10-14 003

Are you ready for some grace and beauty today?


Open to seeing arcing rainbows and sheltering trees?




rainbow arcing across sky promising golden path


canopy of trees sheltering all with outstretched arms


rainbow arcing across sky promising golden path

I AM THAT and so much more

canopy of trees sheltering all with outstretched arms

I AM all my relations


Are you ready for some grace and beauty today?


rainbow arcing across sky promising golden path

I AM all my relations

Named Rainbow 3-10-14 004

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 83 – March 9, 2014

Rumi Close Eyes Fall in LoveToday, i am beyond words and loving Rumi’s admonition to close my eyes, fall in love and stay there in a dreamy, floaty space. I will let images supply the words here while i’m feeling as silent as a stone, a stone resting in flow, warmed by sun, bathing in clear lake sheltered by the tree limbs swaying gently in the wind. Such is the beautyway today for this pilgrim on a journey of PEACE…

Named Oregon Lan Su 2-26-14 Stones ReflectionDo you see yourself here? Come on in, the water so refreshing inspires…

Named Rainbow Field



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 82 – March 8, 2014

Light Being


These words are so encouraging today dancing the path of enlightenment aka the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – may they be for you as well…


being still in the darkness before the big bang

breathing in essence, encircling flow

entering deep mystery reflecting on birth pang

dancing star now born of our one heart aglow


breathing in essence, encircling flow

shining so brightly wherever we be

dancing star now born of our one heart aglow

lighting the way for all to see


shining so brightly wherever we be

whispering soul song encourages being present

lighting the way for all to see

flowing in beauty being the moment


dancing star now born of our one heart aglow

breathing in essence, encircling flow

shining so brightly wherever we be

lighting the way for all to see

Named Lighthouse in WA 8-21-2009++

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 81 – March 7, 2014

Named Rainbow Field

We’re celebrating the birth of the divine this moment,

this perfect moment to chase rainbows.

Coming home to the ocean of being, bare feet kissing the earth,

journeying into the innocence of a newborn midwifed into wonder.


This perfect moment to chase rainbows,

a moment of grace enjoyed by everyone.

Journeying into the innocence of a newborn midwifed into wonder,

we dance in a field of miracles where all is possible.


A moment of grace enjoyed by everyone,

fresh and wide open we inspire it all in.

Dancing in a field of miracles where all is possible,

trust unlocks the dams for the love to flow.


We’re celebrating the birth of the divine this moment,

this perfect moment to chase rainbows.

A moment of grace enjoyed by everyone,

fresh and wide open we inspire it all in.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 79 – March 5, 2014

Named Oregon Japanese Garden Hina Matsuri Fest Womb

Ash Wednesday Walk into Radical Simplicity

Gray is the color of this day on the path of emptiness

Adventurous the mood on the rooftop of boundlessness

As i move toward a portal to the below,

a child follows me, a child i don’t know.


Where is his Mother? Why isn’t he in tow?

His spirit is so open desiring to explore the great below.

Coming together, we step down the spiral staircase,

hearts linked as one now for whatever we face.


We come to a turning point, which way to go,

which of the many paths will keep us in flow?

Breathe in the stillness, creation will follow.

Breathe in the stillness, heart whispers will know.


Grandmother Beloved, great heart of compassion

embracing us all in the waters of love

weaving a web for all our relations

flowing in beauty wherever we go.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 78 – March 4, 2014

Named Ocean 5-13-2009

Awakening with cold feet on this day to go wild,

to warm them up, i begin with a SMILE.

Flowing in love now, each breath a thanksgiving,

being love in this moment, every breath a prayer of PEACE.


Breathing deeply in our one heart’s embrace,

dancing stillness in this field of grace

reverencing the beauty of a new born rose

opens the heart wider and melts ice floes.


Poetic PEACE Pilgrim now ready to march forth

flowing in rhythm, one with source

tuning into the cosmic hum

surrendering and trusting in what’s to come…


Free and easy wanderer, dancing star,

when cold feet return and doubts arise,

come home to the breath with closed eyes

come home to the breath, dancing star.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 77 – March 3, 2014

Named Blue Star Portal

When journeying into the deep mystery of chaos,

heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide.

Presence, trust and surrender characterize the ethos,

courage thy constant companion on this wild and rollicking ride.


Heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide

into the darkness, the stillpoint of creation

courage thy constant companion on this wild and rollicking ride.

Now, breathe in what is from every direction…


Into the darkness, the stillpoint of creation,

wait for what rises out of the sea.

Now, breathe in what is from every direction

gifting the freedom to dance in beauty.


When journeying into the deep mystery of chaos,

heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide.

Wait for what rises out of the sea

gifting the freedom to dance in beauty.

Named dance+

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 76 – March 2, 2014

Named Still Point

Walking on the wild side on Day 76

revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

discarding all, lightening up seems the  proper fix

senses are adjusting to what is really real


revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

senses are adjusting to what is really real

so very disorienting, this nothingness point of view


from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

celebrate  the chaos that births the dancing star, no longer

so very disorienting, this nothingness point of view

breathing in and breathing out vibration of purr


Walking on the wild side on Day 76

revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

breathing in and breathing out vibration of purr

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 75 – March 1, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Water Falling Jan 2014 010

On This Gray Day…

I AM River Beloved mirroring reflection

I AM moon crescent channeling glow

I AM Grandmother Gaia stirring creation

I AM heart open wide radiating flow


I AM moon crescent channeling glow

awakening the beings in the realms below

I AM heart open wide radiating flow

rippling love circles in a mesmerizing show


awakening the beings in the realms below

breathing in deeply the cosmic flow

rippling love circles in a mesmerizing show

transmuting gray into beautiful rainbow


I AM River Beloved mirroring reflection

I AM Grandmother Gaia stirring creation

breathing in deeply the cosmic flow

transmuting gray into beautiful rainbow

Meditation Rainbow