Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 94 – March 20, 2014

Named Dream Cave AwakeningHoly Equinox Pilgrimage! An amazing portal of light from dawn to dusk and beyond continues to open… Last night i went into the great beyond chanting ho’opono pono… i’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, i love you… Transported into a beautiful dream, i awaken with a smile on my face and ho’opono pono still vibrating in me and my first outer world contact of the day is, yes, ho’opono pono and the magical mystery tour keeps unfolding just as beautifully every moment… One of those days when i’m being the happy dance with every breath, so infinitely grateful for all that is, every breath a deepening grace…

Named Dream - Love Cove


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 93 – March 19, 2014

Fave BeautyAwakening to gray drizzle today inspires stopping the everyday world and traveling down into ocean depths where i can be a shell bathing in the sea of love, a repository of love. Even with the past few days of flowing in beauty out of the circle of limitation, I am quaking at today’s call of the wild to defy gravity even more, to break my heart open wider – am i up for this adventure? Armed with the light of the heart, can i find my way past the boulders blocking the path and the weed entanglements? Smiling and chanting thanks, i dive into the darkness breathing through our one heart in the rhythm of the waves. In the stillness of Deep Mystery, i embrace what comes content to dwell here until the way clears… letting go, being flow on the beautyway of the illuminated heart…

Named Spiral++


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 92 – March 18, 2014

Named Rainbow Field++Woo Hoo! It’s Jump in the River Challenge Day to pray for our waters… So, i follow the path to the milagro field and leap from the edge into the sound of water flowing in waves vibrating at 528, the frequency of love where every wild cell is cleansed. Carried by the sound’s current, we come home to the breath dwelling deeper and deeper in harmonic convergence at the center of Great Mystery where voice opens to soul song’s melody… Still, under the spell of the full moon and with equinox almost here, may we all tune into cosmic hum and radiate the love we are with every note…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 91 – March 17, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgimage Path++

Happy St Paddy’s Day!

In honor of this day, a special treat…


On the day when
the weight deadens
on your shoulders
and you stumble,
may the clay dance
to balance you.

And when your eyes
freeze behind
the grey window
and the ghost of loss
gets in to you,
may a flock of colours,
indigo, red, green,
and azure blue
come to awaken in you
a meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
in the currach of thought
and a stain of ocean
blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters
a path of yellow moonlight
to bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.

~ John O’Donohue ~

(Echoes of Memory)

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 90 – March 16, 2014

Named Sunset thursday 3-13-14 003So, on this full moon day, i journey on the magical mystery tour into stillness, the space beyond words. Each breath a deeper homecoming into peace. And, with every breath, a thanksgiving for the beauty of this moment where we are everything, everything is love and we are love, pure and simple. May we all take this moment to breathe deeply into our one heart and again and again…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 89 – March 15, 2014

Named Dolphin Offering FlowersIt’s the Ides of March on Day 89 and i’m going to play hooky from doing life in the same old way. Perhaps, the almost Full Moon inspires new ways, we are coming to the end of the astrological year and this moon is a grand opportunity to let go of the old and on with the new…

I’m re-membering the moons and magic of the old year and today i spent out in the sun digging my fingers into the earth to plant the new – how about you?

Happiest Dolphin Dancing!


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 88 – March 14, 2014

Named Sunset thursday 3-13-14 007jpgLoving this magical milestone day of miracles at play in the cosmic field… Day 10 of 40 on the Journey into Radical Simplicity, Day 88 (Infinity Infinity) on the Pilgrimage… A day of simple pleasures, riches beyond measure. Our one heart still sings from the rooftop where i carry you in my heart as we behold the beauty together with infinite love and infinite gratitude. My heart smiles with yours as we walk this spirit path… Aloha!

Named Sunset thursday 3-13-14 012


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 87 – March 13, 2014

Named Blue Star Being

Today i travel with the divine child front and center. This child has been dreaming me for days, love sharing the road with this dancing star…


Thank you, dear child, for being deep presence

Thank you, dear heart, for awakening more trust

Thank you, dear beloved one, for dancing surrender

Thank you, dear mystery, for flowing gracefully through us


Thank you, dear heart, for awakening more trust

in the path’s unfolding as beautyway

Thank you, dear mystery, for flowing gracefully through us

empowering every moment as celebration today


in the path’s unfolding as beautyway

breathing in deeply our child heart presence

empowering every moment as celebration today

on the simplicity pilgrimage to distill essence


Thank you, dear mystery, for flowing gracefully through us

breathing in deeply our child heart presence

Thank you, dear heart, for awakening more trust

on the simplicity pilgrimage to distill essence


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 86 – March 12, 2014

Named Sunset 3-7-14 001 JourneyI love watching the sun journey across the sky. I especially love sunsets and seeing the sun dissolve into the horizon coloring the sky and fading with orange becoming pink and then violet. I love communing with my brother and learning what he knows about the journey we are all on – rising and setting, ebbing and flowing, birthing and dying… I love how the clouds are sheltering the sun today as this orb of fire drops below the standing ones. May mine/ours be as natural and as graceful; may we all dance with abandon under the silvery moon’s glow…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 85 – March 11, 2014

Named Oregon Lan Su 2-26-14 Sun ReflectionSo many moments, beautiful moments of communion on the rainmaker path today and as the moon waxes, i wane in the ocean of being called to silently witness all the colors as they fade out into the dark mystery…

Named Rainbow 3-10-14 002Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rainmaker, for entering Stillness and bringing forth harmony…

Named Spiral++