Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 36 – January 21, 2014

Blue Star Sea

Open all windows,

let sunlight come pouring in.

Awaken, arise…

Parting the veils,

peer ahead, seer of

new world breathing in

spiraling, whirling

dancing in rhythm with breeze

always flowing home.


Today, i travel with the tribe of co-hearts committed to co-creating a world we are conspiring and as we dance this path of heart, we re-member who we are, who the world is, we re-member Oneness. Thanks for sharing the journey!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 35 – January 20, 2014

Named Rumi Soul Blue Star Sea

In stillness today,

i am blue waters, gold sun,

 embracing beauty…

On this fourth day of walking in beauty so intense that it feels like a blowtorch has seared my eyes – thank you sister pilgrim, NanLeah – it is a gift to sink into the stillpoint and breathe, inspire…

I just realized

how i love being pilgrim.

poet on journey.

Infusing each breath

with soulful presence, trusting

in sweet surrender…

To the flow, the path

where today i take baby

steps into stillness.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 32 – January 17, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage with Janelle Jan 2014 015

Walking in beauty…

heart path in the gorge smiles with

mists, sunshine, rainbows…

Foggy start gives way to sunlight whispering through the clouds… Wind whips river into whitecaps as we wend the water way deepening into cavernous space. Such a treat to Re-TREAT into the spaciousness of emptiness with another pilgrim, another poet on a journey to live in light, in flow…

Love listening to the song singing us… Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Jan 2014 007

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Waterfall Jan 2014 010

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 31 – January 16, 2014

Turtle Birth

Watery cycling

inspires dreams of winged flight and

innocence reborn.

Today’s journey begins in dreamtime with my riding my bike on a beautiful mountain road and i see up ahead lovely puddles to fly through and re-member how much i have always loved and still love to leap into water and to be a nomad of the sea…

What matters most in this moment? Leaping into life, being love, every breath a deeper dive into the light of the sea of love energy…

Sea Turtle 2

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 30 – January 15, 2014

Named Blue Star Spiral Path

The path meanders today… through the fog of the hospital, the chaos of the lab… And i keep tuning into the hum of blue star which guides, glides me home to the Blissness Blue Moon Lodge where i…

Named Blue Star Portal

Come home to the heart by breathing deeply through our one heart and listening for the whispers heard in the stillness, feeling essence, being love and yes, going with the flow – dancing beautyway to source…

What song is singing?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 29 – January 14, 2014

Dream - Dolphin Cove

Celebrating birth

today on the deep blue sea

 journey into love…

Every breath today is celebration, this 29th day of pilgrimage honors the birth of my daughter and all that is for she and the all that is gives birth to me in every moment. Dancing with the sun carries me into the stillpoint of creation to dream and listen…

Named Eagle Cloud

Yes, I Am, Are You?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Thanks

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 28 – January 13, 2014

Still Point

Today, inner sun

draws me into the stillness

of the deep blue sea…

I awaken to an outer sun; i so welcome this golden orb and my heart’s desire is to rise, commune and walk with it which i do only the journey is an inner one fueled by the light of the stillpoint transporting into dreamtime where Grandmother, Mother and Daughter travel together as Maven, Matron, and Maiden to honor birthing, the birth of the divine child here in the watery womb of creation where the dance begins. Stillness loves dancing celebrations of life, may we all dance the path of heart together wherever we may be…

Dance Sign


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 27 – January 12, 2014

Named Pilgimage SHERO Journey to SELF Lake Tahoe, Dec 2007Do not be satisfied with the stories that came before you. Unfold your own myth.



On the journey today, i stretch and travel to a place i have not been before. It appeared as serendipity, a gift of wonder as i witnessed one, two, three, four rainbows one disappearing and another appearing in its wake moments later. There was never any sign of sun, only gray, rainy sky colored with rainbows. Until this breath, i thought of the sky as blue, gray or black. Now, i know the sky is rainbow and i love dancing the rainbow path…

Rainbow Waterfalls