Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 15 – December 31, 2013

Rumi Love DancingDay 15 on the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage is a dance doubly blessed – in addition to being the last day of this turn around the sun, it is also the Dark Moon, the day before the New Moon. Dark Moon days call forth going into the dark earth of our being and re-membering who we truly are, entering the dance at the stillpoint of creation. Tuning into the hum, the cosmic vibration, we attune to the melody singing us, dancing us, flowing through us, breathing us into life ever more abundant… As we journey together breathing deeply through our one heart, we awaken to the love we are – blessed be!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 14 – December 30, 2013

Heartbundance Field

We are pilgrims walking

the journeys of our lives

being the path of heart.

Beginning this day

by communing with the sun

awaken the light.

Fading into night

under the glow of the moon

always being home.

We are stars dancing

celebrating our blessings

being, becoming…

Blue Star Lotus

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 13 – December 29, 2013

Fiery Dance by Vladimir Kush To Understand a Flower is to know the Mysteries of Creation ♥

If you wish to become a pilgrim

Treading the path of love,

you must first find great humility and

become nothing more than dust and ashes.


Dancing the journey today begins in the spaciousness of emptiness, of letting all that was burn away to clear the way for this moment. What a joy to inhabit the one heart with you, to walk the spirit path with you calls forth that peace beyond understanding. Thank you for the grace encoded in each breath breathing me…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 12 – December 28, 2013

Named Blue Star Spiral PathI’m feeling comfortable on the journey today as i ease into a different rhythm called forth on this road less traveled, this spacious flight path grounded in every grain of sand, every wild cell… With every breath through our one heart, i am excitement building about the places we’ll go on this magical mystery tour. Hell YES! to traveling lightly which clears the way to be free flow, one always with the deep blue sea…

Named Blue Star Portal


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 10 – December 26, 2013

Reflecting Circular BridgeOn today’s journey, i pause and reflect into the pool of love that ripples out into ever widening circles and breathe infinite gratitude for the all that we are always being love and always becoming love… I see a picture of us, the one heart that we are and here is a representation…

Heartbundance Field


I love being on this pilgrimage with you and how we are like flocks of geese traveling the flight path with a grace and ease when experienced together. I’ll close with an invitation to all my relations:

Rumi Love CircleIn this wild and precious moment, with this breath, may we all awaken to the love we are…



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 9 – December 25, 2013

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgimage PathThank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful gathering of lovers today as i live green just as the sun ordered so many moons ago for to live green is to live love… What a day of radical generosity expressed through the gifting of presence, a gift that opens the heart ever wider empowering us to see the all that is as it truly is…

Hearts Open

Breathing deeply in

through the one heart that we are,

blessed homecoming…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 8 – December 24, 2013


They are the chosen ones who have surrendered.
Once they were particles of light
now they are the radiant sun.


Walking into the light is a journey like no other, a path without markers where I feel my way and listen for the heart’s sounding and resounding, life lived as dream dreaming me. Psychedelic, psychedolphic serpent of light coming into my life so early and meandering the spiral dance, the magical mystery tour, life. I have played dead, tiptoed, been dragged, followed and now, in this moment, again and again, i say , Yes!, Hell YES!! I surrender to the call, i am Poetic PEACE Pilgrim dancing the SHERO Journey to SELF™… And YES! I’ll be home for the holidays, wherever i may be i am home…

SHERO Journey to SELF

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 6 – December 22, 2013


Rumi Flying

Flying into source

is a journey of homing

we breathe each moment…

Rumi Dancing

How could the soul not take flight
When from the glorious Presence
A soft call flows sweet as honey,
And whispers, “Rise up now, come away.”
How could the fish not jump
Immediately from dry land into water,
When the sound of water from the ocean
Of fresh waves springs to his ear?
How could the hawk not fly away,
Back, back, to the wrist of the kind
As soon as he hears the drum
The king’s baton hits again and again,
Drumming out the signal of return?
How could the Sufi not start to dance,
Turning on himself, like the atom in the sun of eternity,
So he can leap free of this dying world?
Fly away, fly away, bird, to your native home.
You have leaped free of the cage,
Your wings are flung back in the wind of God.
Leave behind the stagnant and marshy waters,
Hurry, hurry, hurry, O bird, to the source of life!

                                                      – Jalal-ud-Din Rumi