OpEdNews – Article: The Cosmic Story: Libra/Aries Full Moon, March 27, 2013 Posted on March 25, 2013 by Jo Beall OpEdNews – Article: The Cosmic Story: Libra/Aries Full Moon, March 27, 2013. OpEdNews Article: Article: The Cosmic Story: Libra/Aries Full Moon, March 27, 2013 http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Cos… This Libra Full Moon, the first full Moon of the Spring, has always been considered sacred. It marks sacred holidays, and along with Spring Equinox and next month’s Aries New Moon,it marks the real beginning of 2013. This full Moon week has plenty of disruptive energy — or if used properly, lots o…
22 Things Happy People Do Differently | Successify! Posted on March 21, 2013 by Jo Beall 22 Things Happy People Do Differently | Successify!.