Happy Best of Everything!

As we are enjoying the final moments of our last turn around the sun for 2012 or the first moments of 2013, we invite our beautiful community to come together in the sacred circle we are and virtually hold hands together feeling the electric energy passing from one to another to another to another and in this sharing exponentially raising our personal and collective vibrations seamlessly…

Always being, always becoming…

Let’s all take a deep breath into our hearts, SMILE (Start My Internal Love Engine) and luxuriate in this moment, this present moment where we have the best of everything, we are the best of everything for we are love and love is all there is… Breathing through our hearts, connecting us to all that is, was and will be, we focus wholeheartedly on love, Love, LOVE…
Always being love, always becoming love…
And as we breathe deeply into our hearts again, we start a continuous loop  of thank you, thank you, thank you that now runs on autopilot throughout our being to all our helpers, guides, teachers, directions, muses, gifts, superpowers, spirits, essence, life, to all that is, was and will be…
Always being oneness, always becoming oneness…
Breathing deeply through our one heart, we feel the warm embrace emanating from the eternal flame in the center of our beings and we are drawn into our room for peace filled to overflowing with all we love. Breathing deeply into our one heart, luxuriate here in this sacred space where love abounds…
Always being, always becoming, always being love, always becoming love, always being oneness, always becoming oneness…
Breathing deeply through our one heart in our rooms for peace, may we all be and become full of ourselves, fully ourselves, the fullest expression of ourselves from breath to breath to breath…
Always being, always becoming, always being love, always becoming love, always being oneness, always becoming oneness…
May we all Be PEACE Now!
And so it is…
