Heart Whispers from the Soular Garden

Breathing deeply into my heart as i walk the labyrinthine path to the soular garden, i pause for a moment to put on hummingbird wings and then continue down this well worn path to the garden bench hammock where i nestle in the warm embrace and enveloping lap of Beloved Grandmother…

Breathing deeply into my heart, the tears form and begin to flow freely in the comfort of home as i am gently rocked to the core of being, into the sea of love energy – sparkling and buoyant – where the rhythm of the waves carries me effortlessly to where i long to go…

Breathing deeply into my heart, i spread my hummingbird wings and fan the sweet essence of the radiant heart jewels ensconced in the flower of life into the flow of the universe…

In Joy, Enjoy!

Heart Whispers

Breathing deeply into my heart,Beloved, thank you, thank you, thank you for the ocean of love where we flow and have our being…

I love being N Flo Jo…

I love being love…

I love being One with all that is…

I love being flow, a clear channel of co-creation…

I love dwelling in this sacred space of fully infused Presence…

May we all be who we are and dance in the rhythm of the waves…